Piano drills : five finger exercises
The preceding five finger exercises were for three fingers only; the following are designed for four fingers. Be careful to give all fingers an equal touch. Hold your hand right. Keep it still, and strike with your fingers from the knuckle joint only.
We have thus far played in but one key, namely, that of C major, a key which has neither sharps nor flats as a signature.
We will now step live tones upward from C to the key of G, which has one sharp, namely on F. In the following familiar air, F-sharp is placed at the beginning of each line, and therefore it affect all the F’s in the entire piece.
All F’s, unless other wise indicated by s natural sign, will be sharped without any special sign applied to the note. Observe the change in the fingering from the 9th to the 10th measures. Play the piece slowly, emphasize the melody well, play the base smoothly and softly.
Home, sweet home:
Gentle Heart (Rondeau):
Other five finger exercises
In this exercises you have to use all the fingers of your hands. Play them many times.