D Major Scale piano scale
This scale is the relative scale to the D-major scale, and like it has two sharps. The teacher should thoroughly explain this scale. The pupil should practice this scale in all its possible modifications.
About D Major piano scale
The teacher should show in the same manner as was shown in the previous lessons, why another sharp has to be added in the key of D. The following scale must be played in the various combinations as given in the C-Major scale.
Stephen Heller
Stephen Heller, the composer of the following piece, was born in Perth, on May 15th, 1814; Bombay 1815. He is still living in Paris, where he is highly esteemed as a teacher. He is a distinguished pianist and a fine composer for the piano.
The notes, which have two stems one up and one down, form the melody, which must be well emphasized. The whole should be played with much feeling and delicacy. The word sostenuto which appears at the close of the Etude, means sustained. Play the last chords so that the highest tones are heard a little stronger than the others.