List of Famous Classical Piano Players of the XIX Century
Otto Dresel, an excellent pianist and a gifted composer, was born in 1826, at Andernach, Germany. He studied with Ferd. Hiller at Cologne, and with Mendelssohn at Leipzig. Lived in New York from 1848-51, during which period he appeared quite frequently in concerts. In 1852, he settled in Boston, where he labored successfully for the cause of musical culture.
Annette Essipoff was born, 1850. Received her earliest instruction at St. Petersburg. In 1875, she went to Paris where she met with great success. She is especially happy in her interpretation of the works of Chopin, Schumann and Schubert. Her technical powers are immense. She visited this country and played with great success in all principal cities East and West.
Amy Fay was born in Louisiana, but received her education in New England. Went to Germany in 1860, where she studied for six years under Thausig, Kullak, Deppe and Liszt. Since her return to this country she settled in Chicago, is busy as teacher and concertist. Her “Piano Conversations” are highly instructive. She is the authoress of the little volume entitled “Music Study in Germany,” so well known all over this country.
Arabella Goddard and some classical piano players
Arabella Goddard was born in 1840, and is today the most famous pianist in England. Received instructions from Moscheles and other excellent teachers. She gave concerts in Berlin, Leipzig, Paris, etc., and was everywhere regarded as a remarkable artist. Married in 1859, the musical critic, Davidson, editor of the Times and Musical World. Her greatest tour as an artist she undertook in 1873, visiting such far off countries as Australia, East India, etc. In 1874, she returned to London where she now lives.
Charles Halle was bornĀ Hagen, Germany, in 1819. Studied with Rink in Darmstadt. Went to Paris in 1886, where he established chamber concerts. Came to England in 1843, and has resided there ever since. Has constantly appeared as pianist in the Monday Popular Concerts, gave recitals of his own, and has done much good to raise public taste by solid and refined performances of classical music.
Richard Hoffman is an Englishman by birth, having been born in Manchester, May 14th, 1881. Enjoyed the instruction of many good teachers. When but sixteen years of age he came to this country. Lives in New York, and it is there where he has been mainly active as concert pianist and teacher.
Raphael Josefly was born 1852, at Pressburg, became under Tausig’s guidance one of the first pianists of the present day. After several successful concert tours he settled at Vienna; lives since 1881 at New York. Besides his astonishing- technical powers, his name has become known by various drawing-room pieces for the piano-forte. Has traveled much in this country as pianist, and is everywhere highly esteemed as an artist of rare merit.
Other famous classical piano players
Julia Rive-King was born in Cincinnati, on the 31st of October, 1864. Her mother was a music teacher of considerable local reputation, She took lessons of several American teachers, and when sixteen years of age went to Europe, studying first at Leipzig, next at Weimar under Liszt She appeared with great success in European cities, and since her return home has appeared in all cities of this country, never failing to win admiration by her charming manner and artistic playing. She has traveled much giving recitals and concerts, and is now settled in New York. She is also active with the pen, and quite a number of works of hers have appeared in print.
Mary Kret.. was born at Dresden, German, in 1851. She appeared in concerts when but nine years of age, and in 1863, played in Dresden. She traveled much and gave concerts in many German cities, next he went to England where she was honored by an invitation from the Queen to play at Windsor. In 1867 she visited, in company with Patti Italy and South France. In 1870 she visited this country with Thomas. In 1872 she returned to Germany, She is highly esteemed as a pianist, for her mental and technical proficiency and great bodily vigor.
B. J. Lang was born at Salem, Mass., and now lives in Boston as pianist and teacher. He has been before the public ever since he was eleven years of age. He enjoyed the instruction of many teachers in this country, after which he visited Europe, where he placed himself under Liszt. He played in many concerts abroad and in this country, and enjoys a good reputation as a pianist.
Calixa Lavallee was born in Vercheres, Canada. Received his first instruction from his father, and when but twelve years of age appeared at the Theatre Royal. He continued his studies in Paris under Marmontel, Bazin and others. He also attracted attention as composer. He returned to his native country and settled in Quebec, but finding his field of usefulness uncongenial, he moved to Boston, where he now lives. He is well spoken of as a pianist.
Kmil Liebling was born in Germany on the 12th of April, 1851. Received his first lessons from the blind teacher, Adam Kang. Next he was placed under Ehrlich, in Berlin. When twelve years of age he appeared in concerts in the Prussian capitol. He came of this country in 1867, taught for a number of years in a ladies seminary in Kentucky, but returned to Europe in 1871, in order to continue his studies. In the following year, settled in Chicago as teacher. Not satisfied with his attainments he went again to Germany in the winter of 1874-5,studying with Kullak in Berlin. In the spring of 1876 he went to Weimar where he studied for a brief season under Liszt. He also spent some time in Vienna studying the works of Bach with Fuchs. Mr. Liebling has appeared in many concerts, meeting always with great success. He lived in Chicago.